Nemanja Škorić

ETH Zürich
Nemanja Škorić
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
CAB J 21.4
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 632 73 99

I am a PhD student in Computer Science at ETH Zürich under the advisement of Professor Angelika Steger. My research area is probabilistic combinatorics and random discrete structures, which lies at the intersection of discrete mathematics and probability theory. Particular interests include random graph theory and Ramsey theory.

More information available in my CV (not updated as frequently as the web page).

Articles in Journals and Refereed Proceedings


Monochromatic cycle covers in random graphs
(joint with D. Korándi, F. Mousset, R. Nenadov and B. Sudakov)

Accepted publications

Smaller subgraphs of minimum degree k
(joint with F. Mousset, A. Noever)
to be published, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics

On Komlos tiling theorem in random graphs
(joint with R. Nenadov)
to be published, Combin. Probab. Computing

Symmetric and asymmetric Ramsey properties in random hypergraphs
(joint with L. Gugelmann, R. Nenadov, Y. Person, A. Steger, H. Thomas)
to be published, Forum Math. Sigma

Powers of cycles in random graphs and hypergraphs
(joint with R. Nenadov)
to be published, Random Structures & Algorithms

A tight Erdős-Pósa function for long cycles
(joint with F. Mousset, A. Noever, F. Weissenberger)
to be published, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B

An algorithmic framework for obtaining lower bounds for random Ramsey problems (journal version)
(joint with R. Nenadov, Y. Person, and A. Steger)
to be published, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B

Robust Hamiltonicity of random directed graphs (journal version)
(joint with A. Ferber, R. Nenadov, A. Noever, and U. Peter)
to be published, Journal of Combinatorial Theory B

Almost-spanning universality in random graphs
(joint with D. Conlon, A. Ferber, and R. Nenadov)
to be published, Random Structures & Algorithms

A general lower bound for collaborative tree exploration
(joint with Y. Disser, F. Mousset, A. Noever, A. Steger)
In Proceedings of the 24th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO '17).

Robust Hamiltonicity of random directed graphs
(joint with A. Ferber, R. Nenadov, A. Noever, and U. Peter)
In Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '15).

An algorithmic framework for obtaining lower bounds for random Ramsey problems
(joint with A. Steger, R. Nenadov)
In Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA '15).

On finite reflexive homomorphism-homogeneous binary relational systems
(joint with R. Nenadov and D. Mašulović)
Discrete Mathematics 311, 2011, 2543-2555.

Finite irreflexive homomorphism-homogeneous binary relational systems
(joint with R. Nenadov and D. Mašulović)
Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 40, 2010, 83-87.

Talks at Conferences and Workshops

July 2016 Probabilistic and Extremal Combinatorics Downunder, Monash University, Melbourne
Septembar 2015 DMV-Jahrestagung 2015: Random Discrete Structures and Processes (invited minisymposium), Universität Hamburg, Hamburg
July 2015 RSA 2015, CMU, Pittsburgh
July 2015 NSFOCS 2015, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad