Hafsteinn Einarsson

ETH Zürich
Hafsteinn Einarsson
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
CAB J 21.5
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 632 61 15
E-Mail: hafsteinn.einarsson@inf.ethz.ch

Research interests

I am interested in how globally coordinated computation can emerge from simple components. My source of inspiration is mostly from the interaction of neurons in the/my brain. From January 2018 onwards I will be working in the group of Prof. Benjamin Grewe at INI. If you are a student and you want to do data analysis or a modeling project please get in touch with me.


Long Synfire Chains Emerge by Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Modulated by Population Activity: Improved and Tight Results on Sequence Learning in Sparse Neuronal Networks
(joint work with F. Weissenberger, F. Meier, J. Lengler, and A. Steger)
International Journal of Neural Systems.
Bootstrap percolation with inhibition
(joint work with J. Lengler, F. Mousset, K. Panagiotou, and A. Steger)
A Model of fast Hebbian spike latency normalization
(joint work with J. Lengler, M. Matheus Gauy, and A. Steger)
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience.


Connectivity thresholds for bounded size rules
(joint work with J. Lengler, F. Mousset, K. Panagiotou, and A. Steger)
Annals of Applied Probability.


A high-capacity model for one shot association learning in the brain
(joint work with J. Lengler and A. Steger)