Christian Henning

ETH Zürich
Christian Henning
Institut für Theoretische Informatik
CAB J 21.2
Universitätstrasse 6
8092 Zürich


Research Interests

During my PhD, I have been working in and collaborating with interdisciplinary research groups aiming to uncover some of the mysteries of the brain in order to translate those insights into technology. My personal research interests lie in continual (or lifelong) learning and uncertainty estimation. I therefore strive to identify and push the boundaries of state-of-the-art machine learning by developing algorithms that are better equipped for real-world environments.

Selected Publications

On out-of-distribution detection with Bayesian neural networks
(joint work with Francesco D'Angelo)
Preprint, 2021

Posterior Meta-Replay for Continual Learning
(joint work with Maria R. Cervera, Francesco D'Angelo, Johannes von Oswald, Regina Traber, Benjamin Ehret, Seijin Kobayashi, Benjamin F. Grewe and João Sacramento)
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 2021

Continual Learning in Recurrent Neural Networks
(joint work with Benjamin Ehret, Maria R. Cervera, Alexander Meulemans, Johannes von Oswald and Benjamin Grewe)
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2021

Continual learning with hypernetworks
(joint work with Johannes von Oswald, Benjamin Grewe and João Sacramento)
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2020

Check Google scholar for an updated and complete publication history.