Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs on the Cantor Set
Nikomedes Mojado
Master Thesis, supervised by Ulysse Schaller and Marc Kaufmann
On the Importance of estimating the Value function precisely in Reinforcement Learning
Bianchi Enrico
Master Thesis, supervised by Robert Meier and Asier Mujika
The (1 + 1)−EA on Adversarial Dynamic Linear Functions
Duri Janett
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Heavy Cycles in Eulerian Digraphs
Jakob Nogler
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Maxime Larcher and Charlotte Knierim
Path Decomposition of Random Digraphs
Lukas Lötscher
Master Thesis, supervised by Maxime Larcher and Charlotte Knierim
Looking at the Alchemy Meta-Learning Benchmark problem
Jonathan Thomm
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Robert Meier and Angelika Steger
Towards Meta-Learning of Abstract Concepts
Adrian Müller
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Robert Meier and Angelika Steger
A Pathfinding Algorithm Based on Leaky Integrate and Fire Neurons
Georg Streich
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Robert Meier and Angelika Steger
Fast Learning in Scenarios with Varying Returns: Trying to Copy Nature
Christopher Aeberli
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Maxime Larcher, Robert Meier and Angelika Steger
Multi-Armed Bandits - A Comparison of State-of-the-Art Algorithms
Leo Widmer
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Maxime Larcher, Robert Meier and Angelika Steger
Sample-efficient learning with neural tuning curves
Erik Jahn
Master Thesis, supervised by Robert Meier, Kalina Petrova and Angelika Steger
Finding Sequence Ensembles in Random Structures
Jonathan Manz
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Xun Zou
Resilient Hamiltonicity in sparse bipartite random graphs
Micha Christoph
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Miloš Trujić
Immediate Plasticity and Adaptive Tuning Yield Optimal Sample Efficiency in Learning
Robert Meier
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger, Florian Meier and Kalina Petrova
Using Inhibitory Signals for Error Encodings in Networks with Tuning Curves
Nina Laura Corvelo Benz
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger, Florian Meier and Kalina Petrova
Impact of Duplicate Avoidance for the (2 + 1)-EA on Monotone Functions
Soel Micheletti
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Runtime analysis of the (mu + 1)-EA and the (mu + 1)-GA on the Dynamic BinVal function
Simone Riedi
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
The Emergence of Grid Cell Representations in Auto-encoding and Recurrent Neural Networks
Flavio Schneider
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Xun Zou
A Speed Accurate Continuous Attractor Neural Network Model of Head Direction Cells
Joël Mathys
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger, Xun Zou and Marcelo Gauy
Using Variational Autoencoders for Data Augmentation in semi-supervised learning
Zeno Vintschger
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger, Frederik Benzing and Marcelo Gauy
Evolutionary Algorithms in Dynamic Environments
Jonas Meier
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Parallel Variational Autoencoders for Image Segmentation
Kalina Petrova
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger, Frederik Benzing and Asier Mujika
Generalized box-game for hypergraphs
Maxime Larcher
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger and Charlotte Knierim
Fast Bio-plausible Learning of Continuous Functions with Probabilistic Synapses
Ulysse Schaller
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger and Florian Meier
Multicolor Bipartite Ramsey Numbers for Paths
Börge Scheel
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Charlotte Knierim and Pascal Su
Resilience of triangle factors in sparse random graphs
Charlotte Knierim
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger and Miloš Trujić
On local resilience of tree-factors in sparse random graphs
Nicolas Klose
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Miloš Trujić
Rumour Spreading on Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs
Cedric Heimhofer
Master Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
The game chromatic index of forests
Daniel Bertschinger
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Ralph Keusch
On pattern separation
Xun Zou
Master Thesis, supervised by Marcelo Gauy and Felix Weissenberger
Learning Models For Reinforcement Learning
Asier Mujika
Master Thesis, supervised by Florian Meier and Julian Zilly
On local resilience of connectivity in sparse random graphs
Luc Haller
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Miloš Trujić
High capacity multi-associative memory
Simona Hohl
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Marcelo Gauy and Florian Meier
Collective Decision Taking in Swarms and Applications to Neural Networks
Ivo Alexander Seitz
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Florian Meier
The Entropy of Geometric Inhomogeneous Random Graphs under Minimum Component Distance
Lazar Todorovic
Master Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Strong games played on random graphs
Patrick Towa
Master Thesis, supervised by Pascal Pfister
Sculpting games
Samuel Siebenmann
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Ralph Keusch
An Extension of Dirac's theorem for Sparse Graphs
Miloš Trujić
Master Thesis, supervised by Frank Mousset and Nemanja Škorić
Online Ramsey Games for Bow-tie Graphs
Christian Wieser
Master Thesis, supervised by Andreas Noever
Clumsy Coupon Collector
Erik Dummermuth
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Graph Coloring Games
Alessandro Scoglio
Master Thesis, supervised by Ralph Keusch
Alice and the Random Ball Generator
Marlo Eugster
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
On the resilience of the Maker-Breaker H-game
Lukas Brun
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Rajko Nenadov
Zero-One Laws in Random Graphs
Ramon Locher
Master Thesis, supervised by Asaf Ferber
Implementation of the Interacting Visual Maps on Cellular Processor Arrays
Miguel Chau
Master Thesis, supervised by Matthew Cook
Sensorfusion in Relational Networks
Benjamin Fück
Master Thesis, supervised by Matthew Cook
Strong Games played on Random Graphs
Pascal Pfister
Master Thesis, supervised by Asaf Ferber
A More General Maker-Breaker Game on Hypergraphs
Steve Muller
Master Thesis, supervised by Andreas Noever
Towards Bio-Plausibility of Deep Learning
Florian Meier
Master Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Bootstrap Percolation with Individual Thresholds
Manuela Fischer
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Generic Algorithms for Scheduling Problems with Changeover Costs
Mathias Ermatinger
Master Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze
Towards More Bio-Plausible Artificial Neural Networks
Eiríkur Torfason
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger
Fast Strategy for the Hamiltonicity Maker-Breaker Game Played on the Random Directed Graph
Clemens Pohle
Master Thesis, supervised by Asaf Ferber
Clique in Hyperbolic Random Graphs
Han Wang
Master Thesis, supervised by Ueli Peter
Combining Conservative and Progressive Quantum Search Heuristics
Gabriel Walch
Master Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Synaptic Plasticity: Bridging Microscopic and Macroscopic
Vladimir Serbinenko
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Learning Object Classification Fast
Christoph Schwirzer
Master Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler and Angelika Steger
STDP Learning
Elias Sprengel
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler and Angelika Steger
The Binary Unbiased Black-Box Complexity of OneMax
Clemens Pohle
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Independent Sets in Hypergraphs
Frank Mousset
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger and Rajko Nenadov
The Game-Chromatic Number of Random Graphs
Ralph Keusch
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger and Henning Thomas
Avoiding a Giant Component in Achlioptas Processes
Petrut Cobarzan
Master Thesis, supervised by Rajko Nenadov and Henning Thomas
Algorithms for scheduling problems with changeover costs
Martina Furrer
Master Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze
Online Ramsey Games for Triangles in Random Graphs
Andreas Noever
Master Thesis, supervised by Luca Gugelmann
Connected Hyperbolic Random Graphs
Kalle Klimkewitz
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Ueli Peter
Advanced Hyperbolic Random Graphs
Ralph Keusch
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Ueli Peter
Online van der Waerden Games in Random Subsets of Integers
Urs Müller
Master Thesis, supervised by Luca Gugelmann and Torsten Mütze
Ramsey Properties of Hypergraphs
Christoph Schwirzer
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Luca Gugelmann and Henning Thomas
On the Sparse Counting Lemma
Rajko Nenadov
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger
On the Online Balanced Path-Avoidance Game
Lovro Soldo
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze
Computing the Online Vertex-Ramsey Density of Forests
Christoph Wachter
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze and Thomas Rast
Neuronal Random Walks
Helga Thum
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Florian Jug and Johannes Lengler
Topology Learning in Spiking Recurrent Competitive Networks
Stephan Kollmann
Master Thesis, supervised by Johannes Lengler
Avoiding Forests in Vertex-Coloring Games
Marina Hälg
Master Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze
Explicit Construction of a 2-Factor in the Middle Layer of the Discrete Cube
Franziska Weber
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze
A CUDA Implementation of the LISSOM Model
Adrian Friedli
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Christoph Krautz
On the Evolution of K4-free Graphs
Lutz Warnke
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger
Understanding Belief Propagation Dialects and their Application to Optimization Problems
Ivo Vigan
Master Thesis, supervised by Florian Jug, Christoph Krautz, and Henning Thomas
Extremal Subgraphs of the Grid
Marina Hälg
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze
Turning Lights Out at Random
Markus Sprecher
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze
Avoiding Monochromatic Triangles in Random Graph Colorings
Mateo Rodriguez
Master Thesis, supervised by Reto Spöhel
Message Passing Algorithms for Random k-SAT
Priyanka Vijayakumar
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Florian Jug and Christoph Krautz
Randomized Triangulations
David Umbricht
Master Thesis, supervised by Luca Gugelmann
The Degree Sequence of Random Planar Maps
Thomas Rast
Master Thesis, supervised by Konstantinos Panagiotou
Balanced Online Vertex-Coloring Games in Random Graphs
Luca Gugelmann
Master Thesis, supervised by Reto Spöhel
Balanced Online Ramsey Games in Random Graphs
Henning Thomas
Master Thesis, supervised by Reto Spöhel
On Nash Equilibria in Network Design Games with Fair Cost Allocation
Salvatore Bonaccorso
Master Thesis, supervised by Reto Spöhel
Online Ramsey Games in Random Graphs Involving Trees
Ivan Di Caro
Master Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze and Reto Spöhel
Asymmetric Online Vertex-Coloring Games in Random Graphs
Stephanie Werren
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Reto Spöhel
An application of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz to a graph labeling problem
Annina Saluz
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Dan Hefetz
On Two Problems Regarding the Hamilton Cycle Game
Sebastian Stich
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Dan Hefetz
Online Games in Random Graphs Involving Trees: A General Framework
Michael Belfrage
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Torsten Mütze and Reto Spöhel
Community Cards in the Von Neumann Poker Model
Bernhard König
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Nicla Bernasconi and Reto Spöhel
Finding Optimal Point Sets
David Bernhard
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy
Relaxed 2-Colorings of Graphs
Nicla Bernasconi
Master Thesis, supervised by Konstantinos Panagiotou
Testing Triangle-Freeness in General Graphs: Lower Bounds
Luca Gugelmann
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger
Testing Triangle-Freeness in General Graphs: Upper Bounds
Thomas Rast
Bachelor Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger
Erstellen von Dienstplänen für Ärzte
Barbara Scheuner
Master Thesis, supervised by Martin Marciniszyn
Minimum Latency in Random Graphs
Yanic Heer
Master Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy
Scheduling with Release and Due Dates
Martin Hunziker
Master Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy
Geometrisches Bottleneck-Matching
Stephan Looser
Master Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy
Acyclic edge colourings
Melanie Raemy
Master Thesis, supervised by Stefanie Gerke
Scheduling under Load Constraints
Raphael Boog
Master Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy
Online Graph Avoidance Games in Random Graphs
Reto Spöhel
Master Thesis, supervised by Martin Marciniszyn
On the Construction of Graphs with large Girth and high Chromatic Number
Lisa von Böhmer
Master thesis, supervised by Konstantinos Panagiotou
Assignment Problem with Constraints
Ulrich Bauer
Master Thesis, supervised by Andreas Weissl
Data Mining in Protein Databases
Stefan Canzar
Master Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy
Berechnung von Molekülähnlichkeit im computergestützten Wirkstoffdesign
Michael Fischer
Master Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy
Geometrisches Clustering
Julian Lorenz
Master Thesis, supervised by Jan Remy and Angelika Steger
Entwurf und Implementierung eines heuristischen Verfahrens zur Erstellung von Stundenplänen
Josef Natterer
Master Thesis, supervised by Martin Marciniszyn
Average Case Analysis of Shortest Path Algorithms
Justus Schwartz
Master Thesis, supervised by Andreas Weissl
Effiziente Berechnung von minimalen perfekten Matchings in gewichteten bipartiten Graphen
Werner Unterhofer
Master Thesis, supervised by Andreas Weissl
Schwellenwertbestimmungen für zufällige k-SAT-Instanzen
Christian Wenz
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger
On the Evolution of K4-free graphs
Manuel Huber
Master Thesis, supervised by Angelika Steger